Multiple Reference Frame Theory for Harmonic Compensation via Doubly Fed Induction Generators

paper ID: 40

Paper Information

Presented at PECI 2013

Entry on IEEE Xplore


  • Omkar Ghatpande - Graduate Student at Missouri University of Science & Technology

  • Keith A. Corzine - Professor at Clemson University

  • Poria Fajri - Graduate Student at Missouri University of Science & Technology

  • Mehdi Ferdowsi - Professor at Missouri University of Science & Technology


This paper proposes a method of using multiple reference frame theory for harmonic compensation of nonlinear loads using a doubly fed induction generator. The most significant low-order harmonics to be compensated are calculated using a multiple reference frame harmonic observer. This method of measuring and compensating harmonics is accurate straightforward, easily implementable and effective in the mitigation of any harmonic in the system. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of this proposed method. These results validate the effectiveness of the method in compensating the targeted harmonics in the system. The currents obtained in the fundamental reference frame can be further employed for control of active and reactive power flow.

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