Incorporating the Geomagnetic Disturbance Models Into the Existing Power System Test Cases

paper ID: 341

Paper Information


  • Maryam Kazerooni - Graduate Student at UIUC

  • Thomas J. Overbye - Professor at UIUC


Realistic public test cases can facilitate the studies on the GMDs impacts on the power system by providing a benchmark to validate the related analysis tools. Many standard test cases are available for different aspects of power system analysis. These cases are designed for ac analysis and do not contain the necessary inputs such as the substation grounding resistances and the geographic coordinates which are essential for GMD studies. In this paper, a framework is proposed to generate GMD-related parameters for the existing standard power system test cases. The substation geographic coordinates are the key parameters which are missing in the existing cases. The Kamada and Kawai algorithm and the Force-directed method are presented as two effective graph drawing algorithms to generate the geographic layout and determine the coordinates. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is evaluated through numerical results using the 20-bus system and the IEEE 24-bus system.

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