Investigation of Inertia's Locational Impacts On Primary Frequency Response Using Large-scale Synthetic Network Models

paper ID: 333

Paper Information


  • Ti Xu - Graduate Student at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Wonhyeok Jang - Graduate Student at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Thomas J. Overbye - Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


As more renewable energy resources connected by power electronics and gas-fueled generators are integrated into power grids, total system inertia has been significantly decreasing in recent years. The resulting decline in system primary frequency response threatens the reliability and stability of power grids. This paper aims to study the locational dependence of the impacts of inertia on system primary frequency response. Both transient stability simulations and modal analysis are applied to study the locational effects. Sensitivity analysis is also carried out to provide insights into the extent to which inertia's location impacts the system dynamic behavior. In order to obtain realistic simulation results, we perform all case studies on a large-scale synthetic network dynamic model.

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