Novel Bidirectional DC-DC-AC Three-phase Power Converter

paper ID: 24

Paper Information

Presented at PECI 2013

Entry on IEEE Xplore


  • Euzeli C. dos Santos Jr. - Professor at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis

  • Mostafa Darabi - Graduate Student at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis


This paper proposes a dc-dc-ac threephase converter in order to interface dc and ac variables allowing a bidirectional power flow. A direct application of this converter is in Vehicleto-Grid (V2G) system and interfacing dc microgrid with three-phase utility grid. Such power electronics solution guarantees: (i) full controllability at both dc and ac converter sides, (ii) high level of integration with a reduction of one power switch and its drive circuits, (iii) implementation of two functions by using a unique power conversion stage, and (iv) reduction of the capacitor losses. Despite proposing a new power converter solution, this paper presents an optimized PWM strategy based on the hybrid PWM concept as well as a suitable control approach. Simulation results validate the theoretical analysis.

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