Dithering Digital Ripple Correlation Control for Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking

paper ID: 21

Paper Information

Presented at PECI 2013

Entry on IEEE Xplore


  • Christopher Barth - Undergraduate Student at University of Illinois

  • Robert Pilawa-Podgurski - Professor at University of Illinois


This work develops and simulates a new maximum power point tracking algorithm for use in switching power converters for photovoltaic applications. Building upon previous work in ripple correlation control (RCC), an average-based RCC approach is introduced which makes use of quazi-steady state converter operation to drive the converter duty ratio to the optimal value.

Dithering Digital Ripple Correlation Control (DDRCC) uses routine transitions in the converter duty cycle to generate small, sustained perturbation in the system. By sampling data at two selected times during each perturbation cycle, the converter is able to converge to the maximum power point of the PV array.

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