Literature Review on the Applications of Data Mining in Power Systems

paper ID: 147

Paper Information

Presented at PECI 2014

Entry on IEEE Xplore


  • Maryam Kazerooni - Graduate Student at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagin

  • Hao Zhu - Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagin

  • Thomas J. Overbye - Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagin


Power system is a highly interconnected network which delivers electric power to the electricity users. Sustaining the secure and reliable delivery of electric power requires continuous monitoring of the system. To process the large volumes of data obtained from the measuring devices, it is essential to investigate effective data enhancement techniques. In this paper, a comprehensive study on the applications of data mining in power systems is presented. Data visualization, clustering, outliers detection and classification are investigated as four major areas of data mining and related works in power systems which utilize each of these methods are presented in an organized and structured fashion.

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