A New Single-Phase Inverter with D-STATCOM Capability for Grid-connected Small Wind Turbines

paper ID: 13

Paper Information

Presented at PECI 2013

Entry on IEEE Xplore


  • Pedram Sotoodeh - Graduate Student at Kansas State University

  • Ruth Douglas Miller - Professor at Kansas State University


This paper presents the design of a novel multi-level D-STATCOM inverter for renewable energy systems using modular multi-level converter (MMC) topology. The aim of the work is to design a new type of inverter with FACTS capabilities to provide utilities with more knowledge about the distribution systems, specifically on end points. The inverter is placed between the renewable energy source, specifically a wind turbine, and the distribution grid in order to regulate the active and reactive power required by the grid. This inverter is capable of controlling active and reactive power by controlling its phase angle and modulation index, respectively. The unique contribution of the proposed work is to combine the two concepts of inverter and D-STATCOM using a novel voltage source converter (VSC) multi-level topology in a single unit without any additional cost. Simulations of the proposed inverter, with 5 levels, have been completed in Matlab/Simulink. The simulation results validate the performance of the proposed control strategy.

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